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Our values and ownership approach

Entrepreneurship is our heritage. We appreciate the value of entrepreneurship and nurture entrepreneurs. This philosophy is anchored both in our heritage and in current operations.

We believe that entrepreneurship and small businesses are vital parts of society's long-term development. From this perspective, a fluid venture capital market is an integral driving force that enables entrepreneurs to successfully develop innovations and interesting new business concepts and models.

Support and challenge

We favour a long-term approach, flexibility and mutual respect. We are straightforward and transparent in our analyses and feedback as well as in our day-to-day collaborations.

We provide more than just capital. As an owner, we take an active role in inspiring and supporting the company and its management. Joining the board of directors is a given. But that does not mean we get involved at an operating level or aim to control the company. It means that we influence its development as an advisor, a board member and a sounding board for management on issues ranging from recruiting and geographical expansion to business plans, financials and long-term strategy.

Experience has taught us that we succeed best when we both support and challenge. A company's growth is dependent on detailed strategies and investments in sales and marketing, product development, customer service and human resources. To be a valuable partner on such issues, we have to be flexible in our relationships with management. We are always open and transparent in our feedback.


Since 2016, SEB Venture Capital supports Fintech startups with capital, competence and clients, building on the long extensive banking experience.

Our team

Our team has vast investment experience and an extensive financial background. We can assist with own expertise and through our broad network both within and beyond SEB. 

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