Debt Capital Markets
Debt Capital Markets (DCM) has responsibility for origination, structuring, execution and syndication of a wide range of debt-related products, including bonds and asset-backed securities issued by corporate entities, financial institutions and local governments which are clients of SEB. DCM is also responsible for the syndication and loan agency services of all syndicated loan products originated by lending units within the LC&FI division.

Bond products offered include interest bearing securities which may be secured or unsecured, denominated in various currencies, senior or subordinated, listed or unlisted, rated (investment grade or high yield) or unrated. The purpose of a bond issuance may be for general corporate or other purposes including refinancing, financing of capital investments and financing of acquisitions among others. Bonds may bear a variety of characteristics specifically tailored to the specific requirements of issuers and investors. The debt securities most commonly provided include local currency issues in domestic markets under local law, private placements under EMTN or other standalone documentation, benchmark issues in the Eurobond market and Schuldscheine.
Our activities are organised in a matrix arrangement, with a functional axis and a geographical axis. The functional axis is represented by the following functional groupings: Credit Origination, Bond and Loan Syndication, Loans Agency, Securitisation and DCM Research. The geographical axis is represented by each of the locations where DCM operates and has local staff: Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Frankfurt and London. DCM also covers Denmark, Iceland, the Baltic countries and selected clients in the UK, primarily through staff operating out of Stockholm.
Debt Capital Markets traditionally enjoys a leading market position in the Nordic bond markets and is a significant and growing player in the German market. SEB consistently reaches high scores in various international and local capital market surveys covering the Nordic region.
SEB is a market leader within the investment grade bond market in the Nordic region, advising both inaugural and established issuers. SEB is also a proven and reliable partner for bringing foreign issuers to the Northern European markets. DCM has also since the inception of the Green Bond market in 2008 maintained a leading position among peers in the ESG space.
Within the Nordic high yield bond market, SEB enjoys a strong position for both listed and Private Equity/Financial Sponsor-owned companies and is a key driver of the development of the Nordic equity-linked market, with top structuring expertise in convertibles and related derivatives.
DCM is strongly supported by the Credit Sales and Trading units within the Fixed Income, Currency ad Commodities unit (FICC). This support integral to the successful distribution and secondary market support of the DCM product offering. Credit research activities are provided by DCM Research. With coverage of over 130 companies including more than 40 unrated issuers, this unit shares a common research platform and web portal with the rest of the SEB Research organisation, supporting business units across Markets and Investment Banking. DCM Research is an integral part of the DCM value chain along with the FICC Credit Sales and Trading units.
With our comprehensive product offering in the DCM space, our strong market footprint in chosen markets and our team top professionals in their field, we strive every day to bring world-class service to our clients.
Carlo Lugani
Global Head of Debt Capital Markets
MÃ¥rten Krakau
Head of Corporate IG Origination
Karl-Johan Nystedt
Head of SSA Origination
Alexander Sönnerberg
Head of FIG Origination
Carlo Lugani
Head of Corporate HY Origination
Rickard Werner
Head of ABS