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Thesis work at SEB  

At SEB we are always looking for new insights and talent! You and your thesis work add considerable value for us as an organisation at the same time as we offer you knowledge and experience by working in a global organisation and getting to know SEB as a possible future employer.

Here at SEB we offer the opportunity to write your thesis in many different areas! You will be assigned a supervisor who will act as advisor and sounding board during your time at SEB.

What we are looking for

You are committed, driven and have an innovative approach. You have an analytical mindset and a genuine interest in the financial market. We are looking for curious students who can help us with finding solutions in a changing context and environment.

Our expectations:

  • A strong commitment, interest and curiosity for the relevant area
  • Self-driven in taking initiatives for follow-up and delivery
  • Delivery of a complete report in accordance with the agreed timetable

Current thesis openings

When we have the opportunity to take on students to write their thesis with us, we will publish current openings in our list of vacant positions.

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