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Collaboration against money laundering and organised crime.

The initial goal of SAMLIT was to improve the overall ability to fight money laundering, both operationally and strategically. Over time, new Anti Money Laundering (AML) legislation has enabled operational collaborations to be driven through other agreements and SAMLIT to fight financial crime at a more strategic level.

Additionally, the collaboration has evolved to also include fraud prevention.

Organisations that are part of SAMLIT:

  • The banks:SEB, Handelsbanken, Nordea, Swedbank, and Danske Bank
  • The Swedish bankers association Finance Sweden
  • The Financial intelligence Unit (Fipo) at the National Operations Department (NOA)

The main purpose of SAMLIT is to improve the ability to identify and prevent money laundering, its predicate offences and terrorism financing.

The main means within the cooperation to fight money laundering:

  • Increased information sharing among the participants, through regular working group meetings and seminars.
  • When required, work towards changes in law and legislation in order to improve the possibility for information sharing.

Structured collaboration for future challenges

SAMLIT was initiated in 2019, and launched as a pilot in June 2020. Since the outcome of the pilot was very promising the participants decided in early 2021 to take the cooperation to the next level by formalizing it to a permanent cooperation. SAMLIT regularly shares insights from its work to a larger audience through seminars and webinars.

The chairmanship will rotate between the banks. Johan Sekora, global head of Financial Crime Prevention at SEB, is the chairman of SAMLIT in 2025.

Protecting stability, security, and trust

Cyber security is key

Digitalisation is transforming every aspect of banking, making the stability and reliability of the bank's IT platform crucial. Interruptions or breaches in these systems can have significant consequences for customers, suppliers, and employees alike.

Our employees prevent crime

Awareness among employees is key in our efforts to prevent crime. Our employees are essential to detect irregularities – be it with the help of computer systems or through interaction with people.

Measures against money laundering

Money laundering is the illegal process of criminals trying to make funds made from unlawful activity seem to have been generated from a legitimate source. This poses a threat not just to banks and the entire financial system but also to democracy and society as a whole.

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