Digitalisation is transforming every aspect of banking, making the stability and reliability of the bank's IT platform crucial. Interruptions or breaches in these systems can have significant consequences for customers, suppliers, and employees alike.
We take a structured approach to safeguarding the bank against cyber-attacks, sabotage, intrusion attempts, money laundering, and the financing of terrorism. Our work spans multiple levels, aiming to strengthen the bank's resilience against cyber threats. Our ambition is to stay aligned with evolving threats and regulatory requirements.
Over time, we have transitioned from being reactive – monitoring internal IT environments and preventing attacks – to taking a proactive approach. This involves building knowledge of potential threats in other markets and adopting a holistic perspective on security.
Cyber crime and identity theft
Cyber crime refers to criminal activities involving the Internet, computer systems, or related technology. Common examples include computer viruses, phishing, vishing, and identity theft.
Financial institutions are a primary target for cyber criminals. However, enhanced security measures within the financial sector have acted as a deterrent, leading to a noticeable shift in focus toward online merchants.