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Financial crime prevention

Financial crime is a threat to all of society, and it constantly seeks new ways to exploit banks and bank customers. This is why crime prevention is a vital part of our business.

Although there are no perfect systems, we work relentlessly to strengthen our defences and develop our abilities to detect, prevent and report suspected activity. Every year we report thousands of suspicious transactions to authorities and we cooperate closely with authorities, police and other banks.

Ensuring safety in banking

We protect our systems, employees, and society through strong cybersecurity, crime prevention, and anti-money laundering efforts, fostering trust and stability.

Cyber security is key

Digitalisation is transforming every aspect of banking, making the stability and reliability of the bank's IT platform crucial. Interruptions or breaches in these systems can have significant consequences for customers, suppliers, and employees alike.

Our employees prevent crime

Awareness among employees is key in our efforts to prevent crime. Our employees are essential to detect irregularities – be it with the help of computer systems or through interaction with people.

Measures against money laundering

Money laundering is the illegal process of criminals trying to make funds made from unlawful activity seem to have been generated from a legitimate source. This poses a threat not just to banks and the entire financial system but also to democracy and society as a whole.

The fight against financial crime

Banks play a key role in combating money laundering, a global threat. SEB joined forces with Swedish police and banks in 2020 through SAMLIT to strengthen anti-money laundering efforts.

Image of a man looking at computer screen.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct describes SEB’s way of working and guides us in our business relationships.

Whistleblowing at SEB

SEB has a whistleblowing process for reporting irregularities. If an employee or other person should discover possible unethical or unlawful behaviour, they should report their observations.

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