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Meet Maciej Popis
Meet Maciej Popis who works as a Team Manager in Financial Strategy and took the time to share some thoughts about his career so far at SEB.

What do you do at SEB?

As part of SEB’s global Financial Strategy team, I am managing a local Polish team and we prepare various advisory materials for our top corporate customers and prospects. This involves analysing and advising on their financials, strategies, or climate change related transformation, which means that we learn a lot very quickly and gain expertise in many different areas, especially trending ones like sustainability and climate change actions.

What attracted you to join SEB?

A colleague of mine had actually already been working for SEB and recommended it to me as a great place to work, with lots of international exposure and a very friendly atmosphere. Even then, I was pleasantly surprised by the great support that I received right away from my new colleagues, enabling me to perform my duties to the best of my ability.

The working culture at SEB is very extraordinary. It is based on trust and everyone’s commitment. We collaborate and support each other to perform our tasks. Quite often we are allowed to decide how we would like to do things, which gives us a lot of flexibility and satisfaction in performing the work.

How is it working remotely as part of teams with international colleagues?

It is a big benefit to be able to work with international colleagues on a daily basis. Before the pandemic, we were able to meet some of our colleagues in person which was a valuable experience and helped us to develop fruitful relationships and cooperation. However, working remotely, especially recently with Teams and video meetings available, also has been very smooth.

The entrepreneurial environment, which is based on trust, empowers me and allows me to come up with new initiatives or ideas and it also supports me in growing my team. I’m repaying that trust by working to create a successful local team that produces great work and in which my colleagues can remain engaged, develop and grow professionally within SEB.

Any advice for someone considering applying for a role at SEB?

Don’t hesitate, it’s definitely worth it!

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