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Corporate and Private Customer

We provide advice to private customers in Sweden – along with financial products and services. Our reputation as a bank for large corporates, in good times and bad, also make small and medium businesses choose SEB.

Private market

Our strategy in the private market is to meet customers' full needs for advice and financial services. We make it easy for our customers to manage their personal economy and plans for the future, with a special emphasis on savings.

Small and medium-sized enterprises

In the SME market we strive to build on our reputation as the leading Swedish corporate bank. We do so by taking a comprehensive approach to each company's situation, including the needs of employees and owners.

Woman sitting with a laptop

SEB Kort Bank AB

Within C&PC our card business is thriving in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway, with an extensive international network covering corporate’s global needs. In addition to our own brand cards, we work with other well-known brands in several partnerships. This business also includes travel management solutions, tools for customers to manage their entire financial situation, proactive advice, insurance coverage, competitive loyalty programs and state-of-the-art administrative tools for corporate customers.

Cards for private customers (in Swedish)

Regardless of whether you want your purchases to be deducted directly from the account or collected on an invoice, we have a card for you. See which one suits your needs best.

Cards for corporate customers (in Swedish)

With a company card, it becomes easier to keep the company's and your private expenses separate. You not only get better control and an overview of your and your employees' expenses in the service, but also reduce administration and facilitate bookkeeping with a company card.