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Our sustainability approach

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Our mission is to use sustainable investments to create a better economic future for our clients. We integrate environmental, social and corporate governance factors in our investment processes and investment decisions, to better handle risks and opportunities, which is expected to lead to sustainable, long-term, value creation.

Guided by our sustainability strategy, we invest in companies and other assets that can contribute to the transition to a more sustainable economy. We do this with the conviction that companies which have a structured focus on sustainability will be more successful in the long term. This does, in turn, create an opportunity for higher returns for our unit holders.

Sustainability key figures

number of nomination committees on which we served prior to the annual general meetings
number of Annual General Meetings we voted at
proportion of women on boards for which we served on nomination committees prior to annual general meetings
> 1,000
number of dialogues we have had with companies on sustainability and corporate governance issues either individually or through collaborative initiatives
commitment to, on an aggregated level, reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 for the total capital in funds
share of funds classified as Article 8 or Article 9 funds according to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
share of investments in our portfolios that have approved or committed to science-based targets
SEK 9 billion
total assets under management in microfinance funds
Numbers unless otherwise stated as of: 30/06/2024

Our sustainability policy

Our overall goal is to accelerate the reduction of the global economy's greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining our commitment as asset managers which is to deliver satisfactory,
risk-adjusted returns in the long term.

An essential factor in meeting the goals of our climate strategy, launched in 2021, is the increase in investments in companies that either provide solutions to sustainability challenges or enable the transition to a more sustainable economy. For example, we aim to make total assets under management carbon neutral by 2040. This goal will put SEB ahead of the overall global warming goal: communities and companies must reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050 in order to limit global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial temperatures.  

Methods for assesssing sustainable investments

To create a basic view of all potential investments' risks, adverse impacts and opportunities in terms of sustainability, and thus be able to create of sustainable, long-term value, interaction and balance between integrated sustainability analysis, exclusion and active ownership are vital.

Our SIMS-S model

SIMS–S, our proprietary analytical model, plays a central role in our portfolio managers' sustainability analysis – whether for investment decisions or identification of material risks.


We put considerable significance on identifying and searching for exposure to important sustainability themes. We focus for example on investing in companies that actively encourage reduced environmental impact.

Close up of tall grass.

Active ownership

Every year we conduct hundreds of engagement dialogues with the companies we invest in. Furthermore, we vote at shareholder meetings and participate in nomination committees.


In our fund management, we exclude investments in companies that operate in sectors or business areas that are assessed to have adverse impacts or face major sustainability challenges.

Our portfolio management

We have long experience and strong investment capabilities in Equities, Fixed Income, Alternatives and Asset Allocation.

Invest with us

We offer a wide range of products and advisory services aimed at private individuals, institutional investors and distributors. We provide broad solutions as well as niche products across asset classes such as equities, fixed income, commodities, and private equity. Find out what suits you.

Contact us at Asset Management

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Visiting address

Malmskillnadsgatan 44 B


+46 771 62 10 00

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