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Films about our funds

Watch our films presenting some of the SEB funds and our sustainability work.

Get to know our portfolio managers and get an update on some of our most popular funds.

SEB Artificial Intelligence Fund

About SEB Artificial Intelligence Fund

Through this global equity fund, you can invest in companies that directly benefit from the AI revolution, such as companies that are developing AI technology or that are creating new business opportunities with the help of technology. AI opens doors to a variety of activities that can be carried out much more efficiently, ranging from agriculture to legal services.

Meet one of the fund's portfolio managers, Johan Söderström, who talks about how the team reasons when investing. 

SEB Dynamic Equity Fund

About SEB Dynamic Equity Fund

SEB Dynamic Equity Fund (SEB Dynamisk Aktiefond) provides broad exposure to the global equity markets - both the developed markets such as the US and Europe - but also emerging markets such as China and Brazil. What distinguishes the management of the fund is that it is based on a solid process based on financial theory and systematic analysis.

Meet Otto Francke, who manages the fund together with Anna Sigurd. Hear him tell us why he thinks SEB Dynamic Equity Fund provides a good foundation in the portfolio for the long-term investor.

SEB Global Sustainable Companies

About SEB Global Sustainable Companies

SEB Global Sustainable Companies is a global index-tracking equity fund with sustainable investments as a goal. The fund invests in developed markets worldwide in companies that contribute to an environmentally and socially sustainable future. The fund invests in companies that already focus on sustainability issues and have the potential to be at the forefront and lead the development in a future that requires more sustainable solutions.

Watch the video with the fund’s managers, Martin Rydell and Natasha Kubát, who provide more insights about the fund.

(In Swedish)

SEB Montrusco Bolton Global Equity Fund

About SEB Montrusco Bolton Global Equity Fund

The SEB Montrusco Bolton Global Equity Fund is the fruit of a strategic partnership between SEB and Montrusco Bolton. The SEB Montrusco Bolton Global Equity Fund is an actively managed global equity fund and by investing in the fund, you will have access to Montrusco Bolton's special investment strategy. Meet Sylvain Boulé, President & CEO Montrusco Bolton and Robert Hiscock, Portfolio manager at Montrusco Bolton Global Equity.

SEB Sweden Small Cap C/R fund

About SEB Sverigefond Småbolag Chance/Risk

A small company can grow from a smaller size to a larger one, and then it can be beneficial as an investor to be part of that journey. SEB Sverigefond Småbolag Chance/Risk is looking for quality companies, that is companies with positive return rates with good stability. Meet portfolio manager Jimmy Bengtsson who talks about why he believes small caps should be part of every portfolio.

(Information in Swedish)

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