As well as doing so, he will function as a "sounding board" and ideas person as regards, among other things, the development of the content of analyses, evaluation and the timing of their release onto the market. Roland Jonsson will be working close to companies and investors.
Björn Jansson, Head of Research at Enskilda Securities, comments:
"The recruitment of Roland Jonsson is one more step in a goal-oriented drive to strengthen the Enskilda Securities research products considerably. This drive started one year ago. I am convinced that Roland Jonsson's working methods as an analyst and his knowledge of the equity market will contribute toward strengthening our research department. "
Roland Jonsson has some 15 years experience of the Swedish equity market and has worked in both London and Stockholm. For the last five years he has been working for Deutsche Bank, where he has been Head of Research. Over the years Roland Jonsson has been highly ranked in several surveys carried out on analysts. The Swedish publication Affärsvärlden (Business World) awarded him the title "Most Valuable Analyst in Sweden."