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Fund of hedge funds named best performer in Europe

SEB True Market Neutral has been named the top performer in the “Best Fund of Hedge Funds Multi-Strategy under 500 million US dollars” category of the HFMWeek European awards – among the most highly regarded awards for the hedge fund industry.

Otto Francke, head portfolio manager for the fund, says the recognition confirms the team’s dedication to its market neutral investment philosophy. "We are delighted and honoured to win the award,” Francke says.

“We have remained disciplined in applying a very strict definition of market neutrality throughout the extremely volatile markets over the last few years, which has enabled us to outperform both beta markets as well as many prominent hedge fund competitors since our launch in 2008.”

Market neutral strategies, as the name suggests, aim to generate an attractive risk-adjusted return while ensuring that the portfolio at all times is insulated from the movements of the general market.

“We are thankful for our investors’ continued support and we will strive to continue generating attractive and diversifying returns," Francke adds.

In 2011, the fund had a return of 4.3 per cent, compared to the industry market neutral average of -1.1 per cent (HFRX Equity Market Neutral Index - SEK) and hedge funds in general -7.0 per cent (HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index –SEK).

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