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SEB’s annual report gets good review

London-based e.com has reviewed and rated annual reports from international companies since 1996, including annual rankings for various industries. However, since a few years there’s no industry ranking for the financial industry.

In addition to its industry rankings, Reportwatch names a “Report of the month” every month to highlight annual reports that can serve as a model for others. SEB’s annual report was honoured this month.

These are some of the things Reportwatch likes:

  • An excellent summary job, quick profiling and key figures, wrap-up of strategy, illustrated overview of business areas, and, last but not least, summarised income statement and balance sheet with nearby explanations in plain language,
  • Geographical and divisional contribution shown without delay, as well as charted key figures, most important events and customer interaction during the last year,
  • Substantial chapter about risk and capital management,
  • Thorough share data and transparency about boards and shareholder structure.

The other companies that have received the same honour this year are Compass, Fujitsu, EVN, Trelleborg and Randstad.

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