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SEB number one in private banking - again

"It is the third year in a row that SEB has been judged the top player in Sweden for private banking. There has only been one occasion in the history of the ranking where a bank has been top-placed three years running – and that was also SEB.

"I am very pleased that the Finnish business has been recognised for its dedicated work and that Lithuania has been named as a strong franchise. Our colleagues in Denmark have also climbed strongly in the rankings,” says Gerth Svensson, head of Private Banking, SEB.

Market conditions have changed materially in the last few years and the map is being redrawn. The competition is getting much fiercer and everyone is vying for SEB’s leading position.

With a strong result secured for 2010, including record volumes in both financing and assets under management, Svensson is enthusiastic about the possibilities for the new year.

"There are more and more competitors fighting for the wealthiest private customers. Our strategy and focus is very centred on continuing our development, while continuously working to exceed our customers' expectations."

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