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SEB best bank in Latvian reputation index

SEB ranks number one among banks in a corporate reputation survey conducted by TNS in Latvia.

SEB’s total score in the survey was 55, which also corresponds to the highest corporate reputation index within the European financial industry.

The survey was conducted in four target groups: private individuals, companies, opinion makers and media representative. The respondents appraised Latvian banks on overall reputation, overall attitude, reliability, financial performance and the quality of products and services.

SEB achieved its high corporate reputation score thanks to its high level of reliability and high overall reputation, gaining the highest score in both two categories both individually and against a benchmark of average industry indicators in Latvia.

Both the highest and the lowest scores were assigned predominantly based on the quality of service, services provided and co-operation with clients.

“This shows again that reputation is not established merely through advertisements or press releases. It is created by all of us in the performance of our daily duties and acting as ambassadors for SEB,” Ieva Tetere, head of retail banking at SEB in Latvia, says.

She adds that by improving the range of SEB’s services and systems, providing quality service, keeping promises and raising customer loyalty will guarantee that SEB's corporate reputation index continues to grow and the bank stays number one in Latvia.

The corporate reputation of the banking industry also improved significantly last year (by eight points) and the industry’s corporate reputation index is now 36. Based on the improving overall reputation of the industry, there is good news regarding the stabilisation of the economic situation and the individual performance of the industry players (open dialogue  with the public and clients, a more active offer of products/services etcetera.).

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