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Shareholders rights directive (SRD II) Fee Disclosure

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (SEB AB)


In accordance with the implementation of Shareholder Rights Directive II (EU 2017/828) and applicable local transposition, SEB AB will publish the applicable fees for the services it provides related to Article 3a-3c:

  • 3a. Identification of shareholders
  • 3b. Transmission of information
  • 3c. Facilitation of exercise of shareholder rights

Fees are described for Article 3a-3c where SEB AB is acting as an intermediary providing services to shareholders or other intermediaries.

Please note that there may be separate fee schedules for certain client groups. Please see respective fee schedule.

Corporate and Private Customers

Including customers of Private Wealth Management & Family Office

General Meeting Services

  Denmark Finland Norway Sweden Other EEA-markets
Distribution of General Meeting Notification 0 0 0 0 0
Fee for re-registration of shares1 500 SEK 500 SEK 500 SEK 500 SEK 1750 SEK
Fee for attendance registration2 700 SEK 700 SEK 700 SEK 700 SEK 2500 SEK
Voting Fee3 750 SEK 1750 SEK 750 SEK 1500 SEK 2900 SEK

1 A fee per registration of each beneficial owner
2 A fee per registration of attendance at General Meeting
3 Electronic forwarding of vote and re-registration of each beneficial owner when applicable

For other General Meeting voting services, price upon agreement.

All prices inclusive of VAT and other similar charges


Financial institutions

General Meeting Services

  Sub Custody Denmark Sub Custody Finland Sub Custody Norway Sub Custody Sweden Global Custody
Voting Fee Registration4 300 DKK 35 EUR 200 NOK 500 SEK 1000 SEK
Voting Fee Registration & Representation – covered companies5 2500 DKK/Hour 120 EUR6
170 EUR7
Upon agreement 1000 SEK 1000 SEK STP
4000 SEK non-STP
Automatic voting right registration of client, monthly fee per custody account N/A N/A N/A N/A 300 SEK
Distribution of General Meeting notification 0 DKK 0 EUR 0 NOK 0 SEK 0 SEK

4  A fee per registration of each beneficial owner, and electronic forwarding of vote where applicable
5 A fee per registration with representation at each General Meeting
6 In Helsinki
7 Outside Helsinki

Elective Corporate Action events

  Sub Custody Denmark Sub Custody Finland Sub Custody Norway Sub Custody Sweden Global Custody
Transaction Fee8 100 DKK 10 EUR 100 NOK 100 SEK 100 SEK

8 If included in fee schedule and per instruction

Forwarding Shareholder Identification Disclosure Requests

Fee per request  
Automatically forwarding ISO 20022 messages via SWIFT No fee will be applied

Manually forwarding ISO 20022 messages via email

A monthly fee for the service, of 3 000 SEK

All prices exclusive of VAT.

Issuer services

Shareholder identification disclosure

Shareholder identification disclosure requests sent by the issuer or its agent to the issuer CSD and forwarded through the chain of intermediaries as an STP ISO 20022 message, seev.045, will not be subject to fees from SEB to the issuer.

Shareholder identification disclosure requests sent by the issuer or its agent directly to SEB, whether in a manual format, e.g. a letter, or as an ISO 20022 message, seev.045, are subject to the below fees.

Fee per ISIN  
Administrative charge Charged at an hourly rate of 1000 SEK, with a minimum fee of 25000 SEK
Legal fees Associated costs for legal advice are charged
Courier fees Associated costs of courier services are charged to the issuer

All prices exclusive of VAT.

Additional Notes

  • Disclosed fees are standalone charges and do not include other services. Custody agreements may include the services mentioned in this report.
  • Fees listed in this report only apply to shares admitted to trading on a regulated market in the EEA, unless otherwise decided in local transposition.
  • Additional charges from third party related to these services may be passed on to the client.
  • All fees disclosed in this report may be subject to change.
  • The fee disclosure is valid from 3rd September 2021.
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